Advisor services:
• Effluents and Environment
• Surface finishing companies
• Technical assesment
• Healt and safety
• Tax rates
• Laboral risks
Please, ask for conditions previously.
In administrative matters in general:
Presentations to the centralized and decentralized organizations, national, provincial and municipal state, either as plaintiff or defendant.
Preparation of Tender Bids.
In Judicial: Precautionary Measures. Shares declarative certainty.
Ordinary judgments. Shelters. Direct Appeals to Court of Appeals.
Accounting and legal audits and SIGEN AGN criteria.
Ordinary and extraordinary resources.
Proceedings before international bodies (claims and defenses)
On Health:
For individuals: Claims to insurance plans and prepaid.
For social work and service: Preparation of contracts, trusts, approval with the Register of Providers. Inscriptions of statutes and statutory changes. Elaborations of superseders plans. Themes prestacional character. Formation and registration of new social work.
In labor matters:
Labor lawsuits (SECLO, Layoffs, Accident)
Trade: Agreements with Unions and approvals by the Ministry of Labour.
PHONES: 54-011-154-997-8757 ; 011-153-284-4416